Our next guest may not be a household name just yet, but after you hear this episode, we don't think you'll forget her anytime soon. She's gritty, hilarious and has one of the most inquisitive minds. Christy Laurence is the brains behind PLANN - a social media management tool that is widely used by creatives, influencers and big organisations. Her business building journey is a unique one - struck by a debilitating illness that left her unable to move independently for two years, she somehow managed to not only make a full recovery, but in the process conceived of PLANN and persuaded someone to build the app for free. Three years on, Christy has achieved over 1 million downloads across 150 countries, employs 35 people in 9 countries, and now splits her time between Sydney and Silicon Valley. In this episode of lady-brains, we spoke with Christy about how she managed to secure 1000 paying customers for the app within the first week of launch by leveraging key influencer relationships, the challenges of managing a large team across 9 countries, and what’s next on the agenda for PLANN.

The two rules of entrepreneurship – 1) you can’t hide your ideas, and 2) it’s all in the execution.
— On building a business
What are you going to do today to make money? What’s the ROI on your time?
— On spending your time wisely

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