Jane Lu calls herself the lazy CEO, but after listening to this episode, you’ll come to realise that she’s anything but lazy. Jane is the founder of Showpo – a fashion ecommerce empire that she’s bootstrapped from her parents’ garage to over 2 million social media followers and $30 million in revenue. In this episode of lady-brains we spoke with the Jane about how she gained the courage to quit her job (without telling her parents) and work on the biz full-time, how a clever Facebook campaign saw her followers and revenue skyrocket overnight, and the importance of leveraging your network early on to get your idea off the ground.

Hard work is fundamental, but if the financials don’t stack up, your business will never succeed.
— On ensuring you understand the commercials of your business inside and out
We went from 3k to 20k followers in the space of a month, and we didn’t pay for a thing.
— On building a social media following for free
I grew revenue to $140k/month, and the business was still just me.
— On how she was a one-woman-band

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