At 25, Nicole Liu, was misdiagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and told that she might be infertile. 

Following that experience, and without any background in health or even tech for that matter, she set on a mission to raise the standards of women’s reproductive health...and thus Kin Fertility was born. 

Kin Fertility is the perfect example of a business that is doing things differently.  

It started out as a blog designed to give women the information they needed to make empowered choices about their reproductive health, and has transformed into an online medical support network, offering Australia’s very first contraceptive pill subscription and a range of other products and support services with qualified medical specialists.   

Today, she’s surrounded by a great team of investors, employees and partners, who she all credits as having a huge impact on the success of Kin Fertility. 

You’ll learn: 

  • The importance of designing your products and services to solve a customer problem, not the other way around 

  • How Nicole built an engaged community of thousands of women pre-launch by offering free educational fertility guides 

  • The important role that experts have played in helping her grow the brand 

  • How to adopt a test and learn approach to marketing to ensure no dollar is unwisely spent 

We hope you enjoyed this conversation – for more podcast action follow us on Instagram @lady.brains, or sign up to our monthly newsletter at 

This episode was brought to you in partnership with Kin Fertility.


When we got started, we didn’t exactly know what the platform was going to be but we knew there was a problem - that women didn’t have enough education around their fertility. We had a broader vision around the problem and an idea of a potential platform that we could create for women to turn to for everything to do with their fertility and reproductive health.
— On focusing on the customer problem.
We started by creating content – free guides about fertility. That got a lot of traction. Thousands of people were on our Instagram and spending a long time reading the guides. So from that, we knew people were engaged.
— On building a community of women pre-launch by releasing free educational guides.
By far the biggest challenge in the beginning was talking to doctors who had never seen the patient experience thought out from start to finish. There was so much scepticism around our platform, but we knew we had to keep on going. Because we knew we were doing right by the patient, and hopefully the industry will catch up.
— On the challenges Nicole faced getting doctors on board from the beginning.
I struggled showing my work to other people and having some of them not like it. I’ve always been a people pleaser my whole life, and all of a sudden when the website launched, I opened myself up to everyone who had an Internet connection to judge me. Every now and then people question my intentions or whether we’re doing the right thing. But I’ve realised that not everyone is going to like us, and that’s okay. I’m focusing on the 99% of people who we’re actually helping and who want to engage with us.
— On dealing with criticism on social media.
At the beginning I was so obsessed with having this 5 year vision for the brand. I wanted to know exactly what the product would look like, what services we’d offer, and what our brand would stand for. Over time I’ve realised that everything changes, and so my biggest piece of advice would be to use your purpose as your north star, and make sure everything you’re doing is aligned with that. Don’t think that you need an exact blueprint, take it day by day, piece by piece. If I knew that earlier, I wouldn’t have stressed out about not feeling like I knew what 5 years down the track would look like.
— On the importance of being driven by a purpose.

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