So far on the podcast you've heard stories about women who have launched product-based businesses. We've covered everything from concept development to the manufacturing process and getting product onto the shelves of some of the biggest retailers in the world. This episode is slightly different from our previous ones because for the first time we sit down with a founder of a service-based business, Karla Dawes from KDPO. Karla started her own PR agency in 2016 and quickly became the go-to food and beverage agency here in Melbourne and around Australia. Boasting big-name clients like Peroni, Capi, Broadsheet and The Lucas Group, Karla is a fantastic example of a smart and savvy businesswoman who chose a profitable niche and excelled in servicing it. In this episode of lady-brains, Karla gives us all the tips...including how to pitch a story to journalists to get cut-through, and how you can ensure your business stays in the headlines.

I remember after the first year thinking ‘hang on, nothing’s gone wrong yet!’ And then it did.
— On always being prepared for the worst
You’re not an expert in everything, so surround yourself with the experts you need.
— On finding your tribe
Always put things in writing.
— On the best advice she’s ever received

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